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Awaken Your Body Through Tapping

This practice is a really great way to quickly awaken your body.  It’s derived from Qui Gong, an ancient Taoist healthcare system that integrates breathing, physical movement, and meditation.  By literally tapping your body you bring blood to the surface which creates sensation all over your skin.  The tapping can be quite gentle and still very effective.  Of course, the more intense the tapping, the more intense the sensation you will experience. Try it both ways and see what feels best for you.

You can download the audio file here by right clicking and then click “save link as” or just click below to listen now.

Questions to Consider and Comment on Facebook Page

What worked best for you in this exercise?  Did you remember to breathe while you were doing the tapping?

How did the sensations feel?  What was your preference gentle light tapping or more intense slapping?